(385) 500-4667

Turn your manufacturing and distribution operations into a competitive advantage

Turn your manufacturing and distribution operations into a competitive advantage

Network Design

Take back control of your supply chain or distribution network

At the foundation of your operation is your physical footprint. Supply chain network design and optimization is a powerful modeling approach that enables companies to pinpoint optimal locations for additional facilities. Our goal is to identify major improvements in cost, service, sustainability and risk.

Operations Quick Study




In a Quick Study, our team of experts analyzes your current process, identifies potential problem areas, and explores possible solutions. During the study the team will walk through your operation and interview key people, analyzing quantitative and qualitative data. From this information, we can develop initial concepts using the right level of technology and software.




Operations Quick Study

Work smarter, not harder

When looking to improve fulfillment operations at your company, it can sometimes be difficult to determine a starting point. Accurately evaluating the existing process – let alone improving it – could take months. To help you move the process forward, World Class Integration has refined and elevated a unique program – QuickStudy. As its name implies, Quick Study is designed to provide a high-level evaluation of your operations in just a few weeks.

In a Quick Study, our team of experts analyzes your current process, identifies potential problem areas, and explores possible solutions. During the study the team will walk through your operation and interview key people, analyzing quantitative and qualitative data. From this information, we can develop initial concepts using the right level of technology and software.

World Class Integration will provide you with a final report and presentation at the conclusion of the study.

Signs You Need a Quick Study

Several conditions can determine the need for a Quick Study. The more of these that apply to your operations, the more you stand to benefit

If you have already recognized some of these problems and have begun looking for solutions, a Quick Study can help speed up the process:



Quick Study Benefits

1. Helps you immediately begin solving material flow problems
2. Provides operations analysis quickly and cost-effectively which can:

• Improve the efficiency of fulfillment operations
• Make more effective use of distribution and manufacturing space
• Reduce time and resources spent on non-value-added material movement, staging and storage

3. Stimulates new and innovative thinking emphasizing world-class standards
4. Involves both senior executives and line managers in discussing how real improvements and savings can be achieved through improved logistics flow
5. Applies Lean techniques to manufacturing, warehousing, and distribution
• Develops logistics flow solutions that include:
• Facility and work flow layouts
• Operational concepts
• Budgets for selected solutions
• Justification scenarios
6. Presents study analysis and results to the project team and top-level decision makers

Team Approach

Resolving complex problems requires teamwork. You understand your daily operations and unique conditions better than anybody. Our engineers have years of combined experience in logistics for a variety of industries. Together, we can combine our expertise to analyze current processes, explore options, and begin evaluating potential solutions. The result of this team approach is a report based on inside knowledge of your operations with an independent, outside perspective. Quick Study findings give you an overview you can use for immediate short and long-term logistics planning. Most importantly a Quick Study gives your team, including top-level decision makers, an understanding of the problems and possible solutions-essential to gaining their support for any re-engineering effort.



System & Layout Design

Begin with the end in mind.

Our teams of engineers and material handling experts utilize advanced CAD warehouse layout design and a smart mix of flexible storage solutions & material handling equipment to optimize your warehouse flow.

We’ll work with you to identify the best storage solutions and build out an infrastructure that works in harmony with your systems and process. As a material handling equipment and distributor, we represent some of the best manufacturers in the industry.


Project Management

We coordinate all activities from end to end.

From start to finish, we will coordinate with all stakeholders for a seamless implementation experience. We work with suppliers, transportation, installation, and end customer to create world-class, integrated, manufacturing or distribution system.




We install better than anyone.

For over 20 years, our installation team has installed hundreds of warehouse systems across the country. From simple racking to complex automation and multi-level pick systems, our team has the expertise to ensure your installation will be seamless and on time.


Network Design

Take back control of your supply chain or distribution network

At the foundation of your operation is your physical footprint. Supply chain network design and optimization is a powerful modeling approach that enables companies to pinpoint optimal locations for additional facilities. Our goal is to identify major improvements in cost, service, sustainability and risk.

Operations Quick Study

In a Quick Study, our team of experts analyzes your current process, identifies potential problem areas, and explores possible solutions. During the study the team will walk through your operation and interview key people, analyzing quantitative and qualitative data. From this information, we can develop initial concepts using the right level of technology and software.


System & Layout Design

Begin with the end in mind.

Our teams of engineers and material handling experts utilize advanced CAD warehouse layout design and a smart mix of flexible storage solutions & material handling equipment to optimize your warehouse flow.

We’ll work with you to identify the best storage solutions and build out an infrastructure that works in harmony with your systems and process. As a distributor of material handling equipment, we represent some of the best manufacturers in the industry.

Project Management

We coordinate all activities from end to end.

From start to finish, we will coordinate with all stakeholders for a seamless implementation experience. We work with suppliers, transportation, installation, and end customer to create world-class, integrated, manufacturing or distribution system.



We install better than anyone.

For over 20 years, our installation team has installed hundreds of warehouse systems across the country. From simple racking to complex automation and multi-level pick systems, our team has the expertise to ensure your installation will be seamless and on time.


Contact Us

Don't hesitate to get in touch with us! We love the challenge of turning your ideas
into reality and are always ready to talk through any message.


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Don't hesitate to get in touch with us! We love the challenge of turning your ideas into reality and are always ready to talk through any message.